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Bacliff Car Accident Lawyer

Proudly Servicing Bacliff, Texas

Car Accident Lawyer servicing the Bacliff, Texas area. If you have been seriously injured, call the  Pascoe Law Firm at 713-829-4317. Often our Lawyer hears clients say “it wasn’t my fault, why is the insurance company treating me this way.” Injuries are not the only burden that many accident victims face. In addition to the physical pain associated with auto injuries, many injured often carry an emotional burden and financial hardship. Accidents can cause individuals to miss work, have medical bills, and can leave many wondering how to fix this situation they were forced into by no fault of their own. If you are experiencing this heavy burden, call the Pascoe Law Firm and our Auto Accident Lawyer to have him fight to protect your legal rights in the Bacliff.

Important Information for Bacliff Auto Accident Case

In Texas, you must prove that you have been injured from another person’s negligence, careless, or reckless action. The injured individual is called the plaintiff and is the party that files the law suit against the responsible party who is called the defendant. In a car accident case, one must prove 4 elements to win their case.

  1. Did the defendant have a duty owed to the plaintiff?
  2. Was there a breach of that duty owed?
  3. Were the defendant’s actions or lack of actions what caused accident to occur?
  4. Was the plaintiff injured or suffered damages due to the defendant’s negligence?

To determine the negligence one must look to see if reasonable care was used. While an action might not be intentional, the defendant might still be liable or responsible for your damages. This is why many have insurance policies to protect them from liability.

​Common Causes for Car Crashes

After your car accident, you were likely dazed and in pain, meaning you were unable to fully understand what had just happened. You might have missed key details about the events that led to your car accident—details that could determine the cause and, ultimately, who you should name in your claim for compensation. Identifying and proving the cause of your motor vehicle accident is going to be a key part of your lawyer’s job. We will gather evidence to show who or what caused your crash so we can build you the strongest case possible. The following are some of the most common ways that drivers cause car accidents in Bacliff:

  • Driver Errors and Car Accident Negligence – more often than not, the driver of the vehicle that struck you will have contributed to the cause of the accident in some way.
  • Drunk Drivers and Car Accidents – drunk driving is a serious problem in and around Bacliff. If a driver chose to drive while intoxicated and injured you as a result, you can hold him or her accountable with our firm’s help.
  • Texting and Other Distractions in the Car – these days, everyone has a smartphone, and many people think it’s acceptable to use these devices while they’re driving. It’s not acceptable, and it causes countless injuries every year. Texting, using GPS systems, and engaging in many other distractions could be considered negligent behaviors for which you could be entitled to compensation if they caused your injuries.
  • Driving While Drowsy– drowsy driving is an extremely dangerous driving behavior, and drivers who cause wrecks because they’re too tired can be held accountable for their decision to drive when their reactions and reflexes are numbed by fatigue.
  • Speeding– it seems that, when drivers think they can get away with it, they speed. No matter how clear the roads are or how much of a hurry driver are in, speeding is against the law. It can easily cause serious Bacliff car accidents, and, for that, speeding drivers should be held financially accountable.

Poor driving practices are the primary cause of car crashes in Bacliff. When another driver has neglected to consider the safety of those sharing the roads with them, your attorney will be ready to bring a civil claim against them so you can secure the compensation you deserve.

Attorney John D Pascoe

Pascoe Law Firm

1414 S. Friendswood Dr, STE 216,

Friendswood, TX 77546

United States

Phone: 713-829-4317
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Pascoe Law Firm

1414 S. Friendswood Dr, STE 216,

Friendswood, TX 77546

United States

Phone: 713-829-4317
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​Your Fight with the Insurance Companies

​In the aftermath of your crash, you might find yourself dealing with two insurance companies: yours and the other driver’s. Dealing with one is bad enough when you’re already dealing with your own injuries and stress, but dealing with two insurers only highlights the benefits of allowing an attorney to handle the matter for you.
​Most insurance companies like to project the image that they’re always on their customers’ side. That would be nice if it were true, but, most of the time, it’s not. Your own insurance company will likely make every effort it can to downplay your injuries and property damage to reduce the amount of compensation it owes you.
​You’re likely going to deal with the same issues when you get a call from the other driver’s insurance company. They may make it sound like asking you for a statement about your crash is just a part of the process, but you don’t have to answer them. In fact, answering them could open you up to liability if they’re able to twist your words to point the blame at you.
An easy alternative is to simply inform the insurance company that you have hired a Bacliff car wreck attorney. Advise the insurers to call your lawyer, who will know exactly what to say to make sure you aren’t the victim of shady insurance tactics after your car accident.

​Identifying Your Injuries

After your crash, you likely went to the hospital if you were seriously injured. If you haven’t yet gone to see a doctor, you should do so as soon as possible. That’s because a medical professional can make sure you’re OK and provide official documentation of all the injuries your auto accident caused. This sort of documentation is going to be critical when you list your injuries in your claim for compensation. And the more severe your injuries are, the more compensation you should receive if your claim is successful. Here are some common serious injuries tied to car accidents in Bacliff:

  • Back and spine damage- including paralysis and chronic pain
  • Traumatic brain injuries- such as contusions and concussions
  • Burns- including extremely severe third-degree burns
  • Amputations
  • Fractured and broken bones
  • Internal bleeding
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Organ damage
  • Death
With severe injuries come significant damages, and your inability to continue working due to the extent of your condition can put your family in serious financial stress. With household bills continuing to pile up and medical expenses climbing, it is in your best interest to speak with a Bacliff car accident attorney who can help you fight to protect your legal rights.

Fighting To Protect Your Legal Rights In Bacliff, TX 77518

We understand that a car accident can happen so quickly that you do not have time to react. Car Accidents can forever change one’s life making simple tasks into cumbersome chores. Accidents can occur from an auto collision, defective product, or just simply from another’s negligent, careless, or reckless actions. Our Lawyer will zealously represent your legal rights in Bacliff. We will investigate the cause of your  injuries to try and best answer why this accident occurred. We know that this event could have a lasting impact on your life. We fight for our clients legal rights in a hope that it will allow our injured clients to attend to personal matters like their recovery. Car Accident cases can become more complex when the injuries become fatal. If this happens a lawyer typically files a wrongful death claim on behalf of the loved ones or the individual’s estate. Fatal injuries and accidents can be difficult for those left behind. It leaves the loved one’s grieving during a time when legal action and serious decisions need to be made. Please do not enter into any settlement, sign any release or make any statements until you have had a chance to speak with a lawyer who can advise you about your unique legal situation.

Injured in a Bacliff Car Accident?

As the Bacliff, Texas area expands one can expect higher rates of car accidents and auto injuries due to having increased traffic within the area. A car accident can change one’s life and be a headache for injured drivers and passengers while they are trying to recover. A auto accident lawyer helps car accident victims because they work to educate the insurance company or other parties attorney about your injuries and what occurred to cause the injury or injuries. Our Car Accident Lawyer works to make the situation easier for you and your family so that you can focus on recovering from your injuries. At the Pascoe Law Firm we listen to our clients and work with them to build a strategy to best represent their needs. Our Lawyer handles a wide variety of auto injury cases that involve car accidents and injuries. If you have been injured in the Bacliff area please speak with an attorney who will fight to protect your legal rights. If you have suffered an injury from a car crash and would like to speak with a lawyer about any and all claims  that are available, call the Pascoe Law Firm at (713) 829-4317. The Pascoe Law Firm provides a free initial consultation and takes cases on a contingency basis – no attorney fees or costs of litigation unless we secure compensation on your behalf. Hablamos Español

Please visit our Car Accident Lawyer main page to see the full scope of  cases we can handle.


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