Pascoe Law Firm
Work Injury
Principal office located in Friendswood, Texas.
Available to service League City, Webster, Pearland, Galveston, and the surrounding areas within Texas.
Texas Work Injury Lawyer
According to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, there were over 3 million work related illnesses or injuries that were reported in the private sector for 2011; 2.8 million of these reports were due to injuries. An injured worker recovering from a catastrophic injury should contact an experienced attorney for help sorting out complexities of short-term disability leave policies, long-term disability insurance, workers’ compensation lump-sum settlements and applicable Social Security Disability benefits. Our Texas City work accident lawyer is commonly asked about what a person should do if they have been in a refinery plant explosion, or receives catastrophic injuries or common industrial injuries due to any type of employment accident. First, please get medical attention if you need it. If you need help finding medical attention the Pascoe Law Firm might be able to help you with this process depending on the nature of the accident we can help find the right doctor to treat your injuries.
Work Accidents and injuries can be devastating for the worker and their family. They may feel there is not much they can do beyond workers’ compensation. They may put off talking with a workplace accident lawyer because they think it may not help them. Be assured that it does not cost anything to consult the workplace accident lawyer at the Pascoe Law Firm. Attorney John D. Pascoe can listen to the facts about the accident and explain your rights.
Workplace Accidents
Workplace accidents can be covered either under the workers compensation law or through personal injury litigation if the injury was caused by the negligence of a third party. Personal injury can cover a broad range of work injuries. It can include:
- Claims for car accidents,
- Wrongful death,
- Slip-and-fall accidents,
- Crane Accidents
- Forklift Accidents
- Scaffolding Collapses
Although the causes of injury may be different, all personal injury cases typically all have have one thing in common. The injured person has been hurt through the fault or negligence of someone else. Severe personal injury can be devastating for victims and their families, causing immense physical, emotional, and financial hardship. Those injured at the hands of someone else’s negligence have the right to seek financial restitution for their damages. When a serious work injury occurs on the job, there are additional layers of challenges to deal with as you look for all available types of compensation. There may be difficult or questionable issues involving negotiations with human resources departments and filing of workers’ compensation claims. There may be a third-party liability claim allowing for a personal injury lawsuit against someone other than the employer such as a manufacturer or a subcontractor.
Prevalence of Workplace Injuries
American was founded and built with the hands, sweat, and blood of our workers. Many of these skilled workers worked in horrible conditions and at great physical and emotional costs. According to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, there are about 18.5 million workers in the public sector who had over 800,000 illness or injuries that reported. Furthermore, the reported continued saying that with almost 4 million non-fatal accidents at the work place it averages 4 out of 100 workers getting injured each year in the United States. Sadly, many workers die each year from work place accidents. In 2011, there were 4,609 fatal work accidents that occurred. Many workers know that they work in a very dangerous profession and face the risk of physical injury every day. Workplace accidents can occur in a broad variety of business industries and professions. However, many industrial workers, construction workers, and manufacturing workers seem to have the highest rates of injuries. This might be due to these professions use a lot of heavy equipment like forklifts and cranes while working. Common types of workplaces injuries include:

Pascoe Law Firm
Friendswood, TX 77546
Phone: 713-829-4317
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- Burn Injuries
- Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI)
- Paraplegia / Quadriplegia
- Electrical Injuries
- Hip & Pelvis Fracture
Additionally, many workers could also suffer from back and neck injuries, broken bones, cuts and lacerations, and muscle sprains, strains, and bruising. While these jobs are an important part of our society, they can also a high cost. Unfortunately, many workers pay the price for this cost with their blood, injuries, and pain. Many injures that workers receive while working can cause them to miss many days of work, months of work, or even cause them to become permanently disabled. After a workplace accident it is important to speak with a lawyer to know what rights and legal options you have available. You may be entitled to recover damages for your medical bills and pain and suffering.
Lawyer for Work Injury in Galveston County
Workplace Injury & Work Accident Reports, Research, and Statistics
Employer-Reported Workplace Injury and Illness- 2014
Sprains and strains most common workplace injury
Nonfatal Occupational Injury and Illness Data, and Information BLS Programs
Texas Workplace Injury, Illness Rate
Texas is No. 1 In A Grim Statistic