Pascoe Law Firm
Crane Accident
Principal office located in Friendswood, Texas.
Available to service League City, Webster, Pearland, Galveston, and the surrounding areas within Texas.
Crane Accident Lawyer
Attorney For Crane Accidents, Injuries, and Lawsuits
Each year many people are injured in a crane Construction Accident. Many of these crane accidents result in fatalities to workers or bystanders. In the 14 year period of 1992-2006, there were 632 deaths which could means about 42 fatal crane accidents per year are likely to occur. These numbers show how dangerous a crane accident can be to workers. As a result, it is important for companies that use a crane to make sure this equipment is properly maintained and that the safety procedures are strictly following while use the crane at construction projects or for other industrial uses.
Common Causes of a Crane Accident
Liability for Crane Accidents
Common causes for crane accidents include:

Pascoe Law Firm
Friendswood, TX 77546
Phone: 713-829-4317
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- Human Error– the most common causes for a crane accident is due to human error or lack of training and experience
- Exceeding Capacity– another common cause for crane accidents is due to try to lift an object past the capacity of the crane. This can lead to the crane being upset and tipping over or becoming unstable and losing its grounding.
- Swinging the Crane Boom– if the crane does not have the outriggers fully extended it can cause a crane accident. Often crane accidents occur when the crane operator attempts to swing the boom without it being fully extended causing it to become unsafe.
- Electrocutions– it is common for electrical injuries to be a common crane accident that can occur. Electrocutions accidents with cranes typically occur with a mobile crane. Many mobile cranes require to be connected to a power source to operate. Many mobile cranes can be dangerous and can electrocute a construction worker when they attempt to connect an electrical power source to the mobile crane.
- Hit by Object– many crane accidents occur when a construction worker or bystander is hit by an object being moved by the crane. This category also covers when the objects that the crane fall from its connectors and injures or kills people below. For example, through an uncontrolled hoisted load or crane part.
Crane Accident Prevention
- Safety Plan– before using a crane it is important to create and have everyone know the safety plan for using a crane. The safety plan should include what the weight restrictions are for the crane, how to stay within the maximum weight restrictions, not using crane over or swinging objects over workers, and identifying and clearly marking where power lines are located. With the high number of crane accidents that involve electrical injury or electrocution it is important to be aware of all power lines before using a crane. Furthermore, a safety plan should also include identifying where the cranes power source of electricity will be connected. By following a safety plan that includes electrical dangers it could eliminate or prevent a large number of deaths each year. Ultimately, it is important for all construction mangers and constructions workers to make sure that everyone is following the safety procedures for the work site.
- Training and Certification– as mentioned above it is important to have crane operators and rigger signalers to have the proper training and experience to use a crane.
- Level Ground– it is important the crane be used on a level ground so that it does not become unstable or un-leveled.
- Inspect Equipment– before and after each use it is important to inspect the crane and make sure that it is working properly.
- Check Weight and Stability of Loads– before raising an object to its full height, the crane operator should lift the load a few inches before moving the load. This will check the stability of the load the breaking of the crane before the load is elevated to a dangerous height.
Lawyer for Crane Accident and Injuries in Texas
Crane Accidents – Research & Reports – Galveston County / League City
Understanding Crane Accident Failures: A report on causes of deaths in crane-related accidents
Crane-Related Occupational Fatalities
Cranes and Derricks Safety
OSHA – Small entity compliance guide for final rule for cranes and derricks in construction
Frequently Asked Questions – Cranes and Derricks – Revised September 26, 2014
Crane and Hoist Safety
Center for Construction Training and Research